

澳门足彩app, New York offers several certificate programs for students interested in developing skills in a particular area of career interest. Any of the certificate programs can be taken as a supplement to a separate degree or as a way of advancing a professional endeavor.

All credits for the certificate programs must be taken at 澳门足彩app. 任何例外情况都需要部门批准. A 2.每个证书需要0个累积索引. 

Each certificate program is registered with the New York State Department of Education.


This 29-credit certificate is designed to prepare health, 人类服务, human resources practitioners and psychology majors to provide counseling and referral services to persons affected by alcoholism, 药物滥用和依赖.



This 12-credit program shows students how to organize and provide services to special populations such as the aging, 精神病患者, 慢性病患者. 与家庭紧密合作, care managers form the bridge between the client and the services needed.




This 12-credit certificate is designed to enable Health and Human 服务 practitioners to apply essential counseling theory and techniques to meet client needs in a variety of institutional settings.



The program is geared towards students interested in the field of criminal justice. Students will receive both theoretical and practical exposure to the system, and will develop widely applicable skills in research design and data analysis.



专为追求不同职业的成年人设计, this 12-credit certificate provides gerontological knowledge essential to understanding and serving an older population. This certificate is particularly well suited for professionals who wish to redirect or focus their skills to meet the needs of an aging population.



A focused course of study aimed at improving management in the health care area, this 15-credit certificate will provide practitioners with general management principles and will promote financial effectiveness, 提高了生产率, 战略规划, 质量改进.



This 18-credit certificate is designed to enable health and 人类服务 practitioners to direct their institutionally based skills into the rapidly expanding area of home care administration. 大量利用大学注册的B.S. 人力资源服务学士学位及学士学位.S. 卫生管理学位, this program will respond directly to the acute need for trained administrative personnel in the most rapidly growing area of health care today—home care.



This 15-credit certificate is designed to provide a focused course of study for health and 人类服务 practitioners who intend to pursue a career path or perform volunteer duties in a hospice environment. The courses of this certificate will present students with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide hospice services relevant to their professional concentration in both inpatient and home care hospice settings.



This certificate has as its purpose the successful management of human resources in support of organizational effectiveness. It is designed to provide specialized study of such personnel management activities as work analysis, 人员配备, 培训和发展, 员工评估, 改善工作环境的薪酬, 以及人事法和劳动关系.



The 21-credit certificate in 产业与组织心理学 will allow students to develop key specialized expertise in the application of psychological concepts to workplace environments. Individuals with knowledge of Industrial-Organizational psychology apply psychological principles to a variety of work-related areas including human resources, 员工测试与选拔, 培训和发展, 以及与工作满意度相关的政策制定, 生产力和健康. 



This certificate is designed to educate students in the practical application of computer technology to professional contexts. The curriculum is directed at the practitioner rather than the theorist. Emphasis is on the production of computer-based information gathering, 操纵, 以及演讲技巧. Students will apply current information technology software packages to analyze problems and design solutions.



以商业或健康为重点, this 12-credit certificate is designed to improve supervisory and managerial effectiveness. 通过选修课和案例研究导向, the participants will learn to apply prominent theories and practices in employee management and development to commonly encountered problems and situations.



This 28-credit certificate has been designed to educate adults for the management of organizations in the business, 非营利性的, or public sector; the latter includes the operations of the Federal, 状态, 地方政府.



This 12-credit certificate has been developed to provide essential knowledge and skills in the interrelated areas of marketing, 广告, 公共关系. 证书课程有两个组成部分. 第一个由三门必修课组成, and the second is an elective course which enables students to direct their learning in support of their professional objectives.



This 12-credit certificate is designed to prepare practitioners to plan, 实现, and evaluate education and training programs in a variety of institutional settings.


